Global thermal coal demand is expected to fall by 2% in 2025

Global thermal coal demand is expected to fall by 2% in 2025

Global thermal coal demand is expected to fall by 2% in 2025

Recently, the investment bank of Bank of Montreal (BMO) saidthat with the decline in coal imports from China and Europe, and theincreasingly fierce competition between renewable energy and liquefied naturalgas, it is expected that by 2025, global demand for thermal coal will bereduced by 2% from 2017. . Bank of Montreal expects global thermal coal demandto fall from 982 million tons in 2017 to 964 million tons by 2025. Among them,the largest coal consuming country, China's imports will fall by 24% to 156million tons. Bank of Montreal said that the decline in demand was mainly dueto the decline in coal consumption from coal-fired power plants.

However, by 2025, India's second largest thermal coalconsumer, India, will import 12% more than 2017, reaching 179 million tons. Inthe same period, demand in Southeast Asia will also increase by nearly 30% to119 million tons.